Quick Start


Install the following essential libraries according to each OS. Building AGE from the source depends on the following Linux libraries (Ubuntu package names shown below):

  • CentOS
yum install gcc glibc glib-common readline readline-devel zlib zlib-devel flex bison
  • Fedora
dnf install gcc glibc bison flex readline readline-devel zlib zlib-devel
  • Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install build-essential libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev flex bison


Apache AGE is intended to be simple to install and run. It can be installed with Docker and other traditional ways.

  • Install PostgreSQL

You will need to install an AGE compatible version of Postgres, for now AGE supports Postgres 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16. Supporting the latest versions is on AGE roadmap.

  • Installation via Package Manager

You can use a package management that your OS provides to download AGE.

sudo apt install postgresql
  • Installation From Source Code

You can download the Postgres source code and install your own instance of Postgres. You can read instructions on how to install from source code for different versions on the official Postgres Website.

  • Install AGE on Linux and MacOS

Clone the github repository or download the download an official release. Run the pg_config utility and check the version of PostgreSQL. Currently, only PostgreSQL versions 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 are supported. If you have any other version of Postgres, you will need to install PostgreSQL version 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16.


Run the following command in the source code directory of Apache AGE to build and install the extension.

make install

If the path to your Postgres installation is not in the PATH variable, add the path in the arguments:

make PG_CONFIG=/path/to/postgres/bin/pg_config install
  • Run using Docker

Get the docker image

docker pull apache/age

Create AGE docker container

docker run \
--name age  \
-p 5455:5432 \
-e POSTGRES_USER=postgresUser \
-e POSTGRES_DB=postgresDB \
-d \

Enter PostgreSQL's psql:

docker exec -it age psql -d postgresDB -U postgresUser

Post Installation

For every connection of AGE you start, you will need to load the AGE extension.

LOAD 'age';
 SET search_path = ag_catalog, "$user", public;

Quick Start

To create a graph, use the create_graph function located in the ag_catalog namespace.

SELECT create_graph('graph_name');

To create a single vertex, use the CREATE clause.

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
    CREATE (n)
$$) as (v agtype);

To create a single vertex with the label, use the CREATE clause.

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
    CREATE (:label)
$$) as (v agtype);

To query the graph, you can use the MATCH clause.

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
    MATCH (v)
    RETURN v
$$) as (v agtype);

You can use the following to create an edge, for example, between two nodes.

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
    MATCH (a:label), (b:label)
    WHERE a.property = 'Node A' AND b.property = 'Node B'
    CREATE (a)-[e:RELTYPE]->(b)
    RETURN e
$$) as (e agtype);

To create an edge and set properties.

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
    MATCH (a:label), (b:label)
    WHERE a.property = 'Node A' AND b.property = 'Node B'
    CREATE (a)-[e:RELTYPE {property:a.property + '<->' + b.property}]->(b)
    RETURN e
$$) as (e agtype);


FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
    MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person)
    WHERE a.name = 'Node A' AND b.name = 'Node B'
    CREATE (a)-[e:RELTYPE {name:a.name + '<->' + b.name}]->(b)
    RETURN e
$$) as (e agtype);