Comparison of Apache AGE, PostGraphile, and Hasura

Comparison of Apache AGE, PostGraphile, and Hasura

◾ Apache AGE: Graph Database for PostgreSQL

Apache AGE extends PostgreSQL, transforming it into a graph database. This enables handling complex data relationships and graph structures, supplemented by the power of Cypher queries for graph-specific operations.

◾ PostGraphile: GraphQL API from PostgreSQL Schema

PostGraphile is a tool for building a GraphQL API on top of an existing PostgreSQL schema.
It's designed for efficiency in web development, allowing real-time data access and manipulation through GraphQL interface.

◾ Hasura: Real-Time GraphQL Engine for PostgreSQL

Hasura is a GraphQL server engine that dynamically generates real-time GraphQL APIs from a PostgreSQL database.
It emphasizes performance and developer productivity, with an easy setup process and tools for managing access and queries.

◾ Conclusion

Apache AGE is ideal for sophisticated graph data tasks within PostgreSQL.
PostGraphile and Hasura excel in quick GraphQL API deployment for example for web and mobile, complementing AGE's rich graph features.